It was love at first sight, when I got acquainted for the first time with Papoutsi Babyschuhe in 2004 at a large retail exhibition.
Papoutsi became, under my agency Kleingoed (2002-2011), a product that I cherished and joyfully offered to international retailers.
From enthusiasm a switched from salesagent to owner. Then Papoutsi Babyschuhe, for me, became more than a shoe.
Therefore Papoutsi Babyschuhe is called from 2015, ‘Papoutsi shoes, things and thoughts’.
That love and attraction of that time, is what I still feel.
I love my business, it feels like my party. Every single day.
Due to the combination of the product, the deliberately chosen materials and accessories.
And by the special meetings and conversations with the people who make the extra hands for all activities within the company Papoutsi.
Pure handwork. Purely human work. Pure cooperation.
That's Papoutsi shoes, things and thoughts.
"My passion for textiles, leather and material.
I can convert to something nice, something beautiful to look at,
something pleasant to wear, to surround yourself with
What I want to touch, want to cherish. So the tangible gets dignity.
What touches me. What touches you.
What makes me move. What makes you move.
Something which is subject to change, and is able to adapt.
So it fits me. Fits you.
What keeps me curious. Challenges me. Brings me home time and again.
The strength and fragility of humans, animals and the environment,
That respectful relationship, keep the pure form visible for me.
It means that something is right to me. "
Welcome, and enjoy this website.
With a smile,